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I am excited to be putting my inspirational art into book format. Each book contains chapter overviews describing my emotions and feelings behind a series of paintings. The chapter then shows each painting with a descriptive text describing my thoughts while creating the painting. The books are available on Amazon. Click on “Where To Buy” and use the links below to visit my author page for your country.
My Life, An emotional journey expressed in abstract paintings
I was born disfigured with one eye and went through some difficult times both as a child and as an adult. This book is inspirational showing life has ups and downs and there is a road to recovery.
Here is a quote from a reader: “This gorgeous book shows life in stunning emotionally charged paintings that describe the exhilaration of a surgery that corrected a disfigurement, the joys of being a parent, the horrors of a mental hospital, and the serine beauty of the Caribbean. This is a staggering journey into the soul of a person. The paintings are charged with feelings and the accompanying text set a unique context for the meaning of the paintings.“
It took a lot of psychological energy to develop the courage to share some parts of my life, but here it is.

Life Through The Windows
My second book is available! Life Through the Windows” is a collection of paintings that are impressions of important or favorite things in my life. My key thoughts are to have adventure, overcome obstacles, and live life to the full. The chapter “Life Through the Windows” is an allegory of life as windows that open and close as we live and age. It is both hopeful and introspective.

나의 인생, 추상화로 표현한 감성 여행
나는 한쪽 눈이 손상된 채로 태어났고, 어렸을 때와 어른이 되어서도 힘든 시기를 겪었습니다. 이 책은 삶에 굴곡이 있고 회복의 길이 있음을 보여주는 감동적인 책입니다.
다음은 한 독자의 인용문입니다. “이 멋진 책은 외모를 교정한 수술의 기쁨, 부모가 되는 기쁨, 정신병원의 공포, 카리브해. 이것은 사람의 영혼을 향한 놀라운 여행입니다. 그림은 감정으로 가득 차 있으며 그에 수반되는 텍스트는 그림의 의미에 대한 독특한 맥락을 설정합니다.”
내 삶의 일부를 공유할 용기를 키우는 데는 많은 심리적 에너지가 필요했지만, 여기까지입니다.

Please forward a link to this page to anyone who may find the book helpful or just to anyone who appreciates art and life stories. Sign up on the contact page for updates and new paintings. I am not very diligent in sending updates so your inbox will not overflow.
Author Page Links where to buy
My books are available on Amazon. Click on one of the links for your country. Or go to your country’s Amazon and search for “Une Oak Lee-Johnson”. Please follow my Author page, You will get notified of new books. There will not be too many notifications and followers help with visibility on Amazon, thanks.
USA https://www.amazon.com/stores/Une-Oak-Lee-Johnson/author/B0CH8GV2ND
UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Une-Oak-Lee-Johnson/author/B0CH8GV2ND
DE https://www.amazon.de/~/e/B0CH8GV2ND
FR https://www.amazon.fr/stores/Une-Oak-Lee-Johnson/author/B0CH8GV2ND
ES https://www.amazon.es/stores/Une-Oak-Lee-Johnson/author/B0CH8GV2ND
IT https://www.amazon.it/~/e/B0CH8GV2ND
CA https://www.amazon.ca/kindle-dbs/entity/author?asin=B0CH8GV2ND
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