Human Touch
Fractals are a mathematical construct that divides space into a fractional dimension. All of nature can be described as fractal. The human body is fractal, the blood vessels, lung airways, brain cells, all are fractal patterns.
These paintings juxtapose the human body with its hidden fractals with nature’s external fractals, trees, rivers, soap bubbles etc. Buy Here

Soap Bubble
Acrylic on Canvas 40x30inch
The patterns on a soap bubble skin are created by light interference but we don’t need to know that. We can enjoy the flowing shapes and colors. The background to this painting is inspired by a close up view of a soap bubble then painted on to the painting. The human hands are rising above and interacting with the bubble.
One Summer Day
Acrylic on Canvas 36x36inch
The background pattern on this painting is inspired by Tafoni rock formations that are fractal. Tafoni is the weathered holes that appear on some rocks usually near the coast. Tafoni is mostly monochromatic, the same color as the rock, I modified them with summer colors. The hands are human forms interacting with the color and shapes of nature.

Three Women
Acrylic on Canvas 40x30inch
The colorful patterns on a soap bubble skin are fractal and inspired this painting. Replacing human skin with the fractal patterns of the bubble.
Hands Watershed
Acrylic on Canvas 40x30inch
Rivers follow a fractal path as they flow from mountain to sea. At the watershed, the top of the mountain, rivers flow each way down each side. The hands represent humans caring for the rivers.